ComTec Fire & Safety Corporation
Office: 250-890-1588
Toll Free: 1-844-890-1588
"Your Single Source for Fire Alarm & Life Safety Inspections and Maintenance"
Residential and Commercial
Fire Watch
Requirements for the need to have Fire Watch in a residential or Commercial building
Starting in 2025
Nuisance fire alarm panel alarms
Fire Alarm System has failed and requires replacement
Significant loss or reduction of water supplies for sprinkler, standpipe and/or fire hydrant systems that are required for fire fighting purposes
A loss of normal and/or emergency power supplies necessary for the intended performance of any life or property safety system(s)
A loss or reduction of required means of egress from a building. A means of egress includes the path of travel from any point within a building to a safe area in a public thoroughfare; or
A loss or reduction of any required fire lane or emergency access routes or openings
A hot work operation is being conducted. Hot work includes but is not limited to welding, brazing, grinding, or other process which may cause arcs, sparks, hot particulate or rise in temperature that may ignite combustible or flammable materials.